Thursday, September 19, 2019

Week 5 Part 1

In this post I am going to be giving you my opinion about two different websites and who I think their target market is, or at least who I think they are trying to target. I am going to be comparing Subway and Hungry Bear Deli.


When I first went to Subway's website all I noticed at first was a nice, sleek designed website. As you scroll down you'll see some nicely displayed pictures, the promotion of a few of their items and a few other things. I did also notice that they do a bit more advertising about Subway's Rewards and Deals. Just looking at the page you wouldn't be able to note who their target market was. But then I started clicking around and found some pages that explain a lot about Subway as a brand. To my surprise, Subway is very involved with our planet. Just as one example, Subway states that, "Our ambition is to reduce environmental impact and preserve our planet's health". If you click on their "Responsibility Page" you will see their website includes pages titled; Our Goals, Promote Well-Being, Preserve Our Planet, Our Communities, and Our Plan. With all of this said I feel as if Subway's target market would be the budgeted and healthy humanitarian. 

Hungry Bear Deli

First off, I would like to say that I am definitely going to head on over to Hungry Bear Deli in Vista and try it out. The pictures they display on their website look so appetizing. Like, I was literally starting to get hungry from observing their site. So hungry that I started poking around with their online menu to see what they offer and even went as far as to call my husband to tell him the next place were eating at. But, getting back to this assignment/blog post, that's all their website had to offer. A menu and contact information, that's it. No about page no nothing. So, I can't really give an opinion as to who their target market is. I guess the only guess I can make would be that their target market is anyone who's in the mood to eat. I really feel as if they should do a little research and try to hone in on their ideal customer and then target all of their efforts on attracting more of that type. 

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