Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Week 15 Part 1

Google Analytics, in my opinion is probably the best tool available for a business such as mine. With Google Analytics you are able to keep track and really monitor almost everything about your viewers. What time your sites be viewed, how long your sites are being viewed and are these people male or female, are just naming a few of the tools Google Analytics are providing for you.

For my barbershop, I really think demographics, interests and location play a huge part in providing me the best information to advertise my business. With demographics I can monitor gender and the ages of the people viewing my advertisements. With the interests portion I am able to view what the majority of interests people like and then use those as my keywords. And of course we have location. This definitely one of the most important tools. Am I making sure to really focus on my surrounding areas with my ads? What if my advertisement is set to reach the residents of Vista but in actuality no one in Vista is looking at them? This is why location is important. 

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