Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Week 4 Part 1

Have you ever visited a website and were just like, "What the heck is going on here?" Or what about when you visit a website that is just so nicely put together it's almost calming to use? In this post I am going to be comparing the good, the bad and the ugly between 4 different websites. 

My first website under review is: https://www.headhunterhairstyling.com/

     This is a five start website in my opinion. As soon as you launch the site, you are presented with a video of a haircut being performed. Straight to the point. You're not left guessing what this business is about. Next you'll notice that their logo is clearly placed at the top of the page, right next to the other pages that may be accessed on their site. Each page you click on has exactly the info that you wanted when choosing to click on that page. No more, no less. This page has simplicity and is very easy to use and understand. I also would like to add that their color scheme was beautiful. Calming and not busy. Out of all the websites to review, this was my favorite. 

Next, let's talk about: http://gatesnfences.com/

     Can we say NIGHTMARE? The initial feeling I got when I logged on to this site was overwhelming with anxiety. Seriously! I felt like I didn't even want to look at the information because there was just too much to look at and I didn't know where to start. They should have made several pages that were clearly marked with the topic of information. But instead they just had everything smashed together on one page. And, it was also really hard to see what was written because the font was microscopic. This website definitely needs some professional help. 

Another website under review was: https://www.pennyjuice.com/

     At first glance, I hated this site. The content looked pretty cheesy to me and to be quite honest I kind of thought it was a fake product they were trying to sell. Or like it was a fake website. But as I looked deeper within the site and understood what they were trying to sell, I started to like it. This companies target market is parents and kids. And when you market to kids you need color. This company did just that. From their website to their product, everything is very colorful. As far as ease of use, yeah, it's very easy to use. Simple and straight forward. Overall, I didn't have any problems with this site so I'd give it 3 stars. 

Another anxiety induced website: https://jamilin.com/

     If websites could vomit, this would be one that did. Like seriously, what the heck are people thinking? First off, I'm not diggin' the rainbow colors at the top of the page. It just doesn't look professional at all. Second, the pictures on the website are very disturbing. Some are repetitive and others are poor quality. And not to mention, they're smashed together. And why is everything located in the center of the page? Even if they didn't want the website to fully cover the page they could have expanded it a little bit. I don't there are just so many things wrong with this website in my opinion. My advice would be to hire a professional. 

Final Thought

When creating a website, please think about the people viewing it. Ask yourself  at least these questions:
  • Is the font big enough?
  • Is the color scheme relaxing?
  • Is my website easy to use?
  • Do I have several pages dedicated to one topic each versus everything crammed on one page?

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